Saturday 19 November 2011

Equality/Feminism - thoughts/essay/whatever.

I am totally for equality, but men and women are different, and in many ways, I do actually see men as the better sex. Yet there should be no "better" sex. Women can carry children, that is so beautiful and it is so unfair on men, that they will never have that connection. Yet men do not long for connections as much as women do. Men seem to be able to cope with so much more.

A friend was once explaining to me how all women long to settle down and have children, and at the time, I had to disagree. Yet now I see the truth, which is it. Women long for something, that closeness, women get lonely. Yet men are more prone to solitude. We need to look deeper. Do men actually enjoy loneliness? Of course not, they're just better at dealing with things alone, it's how it's always been. Men do the hard work; we could go back to so many eras. Men have to prove themselves by showing they can deal with their emotions. They hide them away and women are allowed to shower affection on their loved ones.

Take the modern day example; girls can hold each other’s hands, put kisses on the end of text messages, make themselves look prettier without having their sexuality questioned. If we were to see two men walk round the streets holding hands we would automatically assume they were gay. This is why I cannot understand feminism. Men are shunned just as much as women and I do not want to shun anybody. I could not think of a male equivalent to 'feminist', so you are fighting for equality yet there is no equal term for men. It is just something I personally cannot comprehend. If they do not show their masculinity enough, they are taunted. If women do not look feminine enough they can be shunned too, yet it is all getting much better. Things are becoming much more accepted in some societies. Yet lesbians are still much more accepted than gay men. And why do women have a special word for that? There is no term for a gay man, yet the term 'lesbian' exists.

I want to fight for equality, but not just for women. Fair enough women are probably less likely to get a pay rise, but actually most of the time it's because we're simply not set out to achieve those things. Women always have been the ones who stay at home, keep the house clean and look after the children. It's in our blood, in our history. And why campaign unless it's affecting you personally. You've been in your job for years, so has that guy, oh and he's had pay rise after pay rise. Why haven't you? Is it really sexism or is he just better at his job than you are, or did you fall for your boss and have an office affair? Yes, I will assume, it is a natural feminine reaction to look for a hunter, a man to keep things stable. Nevertheless, if you are going to be stupid enough to have sex with your boss, or even a co-worker, don't expect everything to go swimmingly; it's not how this world works. If you want to do well in this world, you have to fight for it.

So fight to get to the top, or get down off your high horse and admit, all you want is a man and children, happiness. At least men admit to being over bearing in order to prove their masculinty, women never admit to doing anything wrong because we're too stubborn. Well, I, as a woman, will admit that yes, a lot of the time, all I want is stability, and if that means a husband, house and kids, then yes, that's what I want eventually. Yet I've realised I don't need a man to be who I am, I can get wherever I want to without one. I can survive this life alone, for so long, if that's how it happens. And if I meet someone, and it fucks up, I can't blame them, because the majority of the time when women call men all the names under the sun, it's actually their fault. So think about all those times you've slagged off your man, your ex, think about how it went wrong. You were probably being too clingy, too much. Women are too needy. Step back, take some time for yourself, see how it goes, appreciate your love but spend some time apart. Absence makes the heart grow fonder - it is true. Just learn to be comfortable with you.

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